Intergenerational collaborative modules aim to bring together both experienced and young or potential entrepreneurs to collaborate and reach a common and innovative understanding of entrepreneurship in the retail sector. An Intergenerational Collaborative Training Modules (ICTM) approach will have a practical “learning by doing” and work-based approach boosting the experiences of the groups. These modules, created under the framework of RETAIL project, enable a fruitful and worthwhile exchange of knowledge and collaboration. The partnership has developed 7 different modules covering 7 themes crucial in retailing.

Developing an Innovation Masterplan

Innovation constitutes a key factor for the development of a retail business. This module provides retailers and youth with an insight on innovation management and how to facilitate innovation in the retail sector. It also focuses on the Innovation Culture and how to achieve it.

Stakeholders Engagement

This module focuses on the stakeholder’s engagement, meaning how to engage different stakeholders and how important is to be persuasive and trustful. Additionally, project pitching and typology of relationships with stakeholders will be further elaborated.

New Retail Business Models -Selection and combination

This module will explore new trends and changes in the way that retailers operate, according to the operating model. The potential of the digital generations and the human factor in retail sector will also be examined under the scope of connectivity and technology with a human factor.

Designing Business Model Change – Cultural Aspects

Cultural bias constitutes a phenomenon that is still present in the retail sector. In this module, it will be analyzed how the unconscious cultural bias influnces the retail enterprise and how to act in order to overcome them. This shift from cultural bias to acceptance will bring out the benefits of diversity in the retail sector.

International Collaboration/ Additional support programs

Learning from retail operations on a global scale gives retailers and youth opportunities to go innovative. This module looks into providing an understanding as well as the initial steps for international collaboration. It will also analyze further additional support measures, like Internalization Programs (EEN) and Exchange Programs (EYE).

Analyzing Innovation Related Risks and Impacts

This module points out the importance of innovation in retail businesses and identifies risks and impacts related to innovative practices. It also explores innovation strategies and gives retailers and young people guidelines on how to analyze innovation.

Sustainability Communication

Implementing sustainable practices can drive retail businesses into more efficiency and money saving in the process. This module focuses on the identification of basic approaches and the importance of sustainability communications, while it guides retailers and young people to define their communication objectives and create their Sustainability Story.